Watch Me – Jodie Gehrman Review

Watch meThank you to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read this ARC in return for an honest and unbiased review

I really loved this – This is a thriller which is told from 2 POV. One is Kate Youngblood who is a University professor, she’s written 2 books and her first one was a hit however her second one flopped and she has also recently divorced from her husband. And then we have Sam, one of Kate’s stduents who is infatuated with her. He’s also a promising writer and has spent most of his life building up to creating this prefect life with Kate which he is determined to make a reality.

Sam’s POV definitely read more of a diary of how much he worshipped Kate and how amazing she was and basically how in love with her he was which I didn’t mind. I enjoyed having Sam’s POV present, it was interesting to see how he justified his actions and how his infatuation with Kate began and how it’s grown. We also got to see some of Sam’s past and his interaction with his mother – if anything, I feel that Sam’s POV and story could have been a bit darker maybe to help explain why he is the way he is more.

I really liked Kate as a character, especially for a thriller book as she didn’t seem as naieve as some other characters I’ve read about – She noticed when things were moved but didn’t try to explain them away after she realised that there was something wrong. She jumped to conclusions, like we all would in her situation and imagined the worst which was so realistic, I mean, I’m sure that a lot of us have jumped to the worst case scenario in situations even if there’s a more plausible answer. The chemistry between her and Sam was also was hot and real, especially with how she described it to her friend, Zoe, in the book which just made their building relationship even more plausible. In fact in some places, this could have been a romance novel as it read that way which only helped to cement the infatuation that Sam had for Kate and also the chemistry that was present between the two.

This book wasn’t really that dark, it did have darker undertone but there aren’t really any gore or graphic murder scenes. I also don’t think it has that many plot twists and isn’t action filled, it slowly builds up the ‘relationship’ between Sam and Kate until it reaches the breaking point so if you like slow moving books then this would be for you.

Overall I thought that this was a great read and I would definitely recommend that you pick this up if you’re looking for a ‘romantic’ thriller which slowly builds. This is due to be released on 23 January 2018 and you can pre-order it from Amazon UK!

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3 thoughts on “Watch Me – Jodie Gehrman Review

  1. This sounds kind of cool. It seems like the infatuation type books are generally completely one sided, so the chemistry between the two of them seems like it would definitely change it up a bit.

    I like that the character also seems to have some common sense as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah that’s what I liked about it – there was definitely something between them and it wasn’t completely one-sided.

      And the fact that she had commen-sense was great, most of the MC in these books just seem to suffer from ‘Special Snowflake’ syndrome but not here!


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